Monday 3 September 2012

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time.


When I first looked at this heading, the title took a literal spin in my head, I can just imagine myself chasing two rabbits at the same time, total disaster! The truth is the title itself takes me to the saying: ‘You can’t have it both ways’.
For instance, a Casanova chasing to skirts at the same time being the common one, a mom having to juggle her family, work and studies (more like you cant have it in three ways) or a girl choosing between an  Aldo pair of shoes or Black-Up make-up kit (it should never come to that, I’d die!).

But in all seriousness, one can never pursue two dreams at the same time, as everything has its own time and season. What happens is when we force things to occur in our lives, we end up with half truths, persistence and perseverance. Its better then to rather focus on achieving one goal at a time and once that goal is achieved move on to the next one, rather than go back and rectify things or end up with nothing. For time wasted can never be returned (my mom's fav quote!) Simply Put. 

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