Friday 29 June 2012

Just Let Me Be


The rise of gay and lesbian killings is on the rise in our democratic South Africa, the latest statistic: Phumeza Nkolonzi. The 22 year old from Nyanga, Cape Town was shot on Saturday (23 June 2012) in front of her family and as Free Gender organizations Funeka Soldaat acclaims it was yet another ‘hate crime’. Not only is this agonizing, brutal and inhumane but my question is ‘If gays and lesbians cannot be safe in their own homes, then where is their safe haven?’

For centuries on hold men have always been portrayed as the ever supreme human species and till this day women all over the world still fight for equality to be seen as equal to men. What is behind all these killings? Women are seen as male property, so who do gays and lesbians belong to? In all honestly, who would deliberately put themselves in a position to be judged, hated and humiliated.

Being a lesbian is not a choice, it’s the self. I generally think men are threatened by the freedom ‘to be’ that comes with being homosexual, they don’t have a choice but to except  homosexuality so what do they do, in ‘Alpha Male’ style act out in a barbaric, animalistic manner. The fact is gays and lesbian are here to stay, they were chosen to be in this world, they have a purpose and are loved dearly. Maybe not by everyone but they are eternally cherished by the creator of this world, our Heavenly Father, our God.

What Motivates Me?


 In truth many things, do motivate me, as the newness of yet another day, the ever-increasing need to grow personally, faith (hoping for unforeseen events to happen in reality) and the list continues. Yet, the one thing that stands out is being motivated by the unknown, the fact that we do not know what tomorrow may bring and how today’s events will finally play out, the unlimitedness of our potential and not being in control of everything.

Its human nature not to be  content with what we have, we always want more and for the longest time I’ve always questioned why people always say ‘be content with what you have’, in theory it sounds good but in reality its impractical. And most importantly spiritually I’m motivated by the endless blessings and promises made by my Heavenly Father, to exalt me and to make me into the Great Being He wants me to Be. 

Thursday 21 June 2012

Cut Me Some Slack!

These were probably words running through our new Police Commissioner’s Riah Phiyega’s  thoughts this week, as insecurities are hard felt amongst fellow South Africans in her abilities to ‘get the job done’. The media did not waste any time in pointing out her non-existent political webs nor her experience in the defence and police department. 

This week’s episode of Special Assignment did not help unease issues surrounding Riah’s challenges either. Highlights of the programme pointed out the possibility of  the new Police Commissioner being appointed according to President Jacob Zuma’s own political agendas.

Concluding that Riah’s non-attachment to politics meant that she could be a pawn and no threat to Zuma at a later stage, it was all strategic. Yet ironically her family mentioned on the same night’s episode that her position was a ‘calling’ from above. That is was the Lord himself who wanted her to be in that position.

I could go on and question whether these insecurities have underlying gender related issues that because she’s a woman she’s seen as incompetent in handling ‘a manly position’ or she’s just plain and clueless in politics, simply put. And in as much as I’m concerned with current affairs in my country, there are just some things that should be accepted and not challenged for our own sanity and well-being.

So, to all individuals questioning Riah Phiyega’s appointing as South Africa’s first woman Police Commissioner do yourself a huge favour and Cut Her Some Slack!

The 10 most unexpected consequences of being online


The online world has become the norm not only for individuals but for businesses respectively.  It is a global community which sees different parties engaging in an ongoing conversation of new ideologies, views, jargons and ‘voices’ and  like any society it is ever-evolving. 

People’s perspectives on the most unexpected consequences of being online will differ accordingly. My own take on it is as follows:

1)  You can expect to have a million and one new buddies. Take a look at your Face book friends or Twitter followers to conclude any ‘familiar faces’. Not that’s it’s a bad thing; it gives one an opportunity to expand their social circles. Whether you prefer to keep things online or not is entirely up to you.

2) Honestly isn’t the best policy. Everyone is entitled to their opinion online, be careful not to step on anyone’s toes though. As what may seem fairly polite and civil to you, might be derogatory and impolite to the next person.

3) Info, Info and more Info. This could be a good or not so good experience depending on where you end up. A search engine page may leave you enlighten or agitated after a ‘simple search’.

4)  You may become an addict. Sometimes what may seem fun and engaging may become an addiction and time consuming demon.

5) Yes, stalkers are everywhere. Be careful of shady characters and befriending people just for the sake of having 3000 Face book friends, there might be someone following your trail.

6) You can learn more about yourself.
Being online is somehow life-changing more than we realize as we can easily ‘bare it all’.

7) Viruses.
You can easily get a virus or have someone hack your social media account (spoken from experience!).

8) Job offers! This does happen, through blogs and social media engagement people have received once in a lifetime opportunities to better their careers or kick-start them.

9) E-mail listings. You may press the ‘Send All’ button instead of ‘Send’ and end up with the title of ‘Village Slut’.

10) A voice, not an echo. Last but not least your voice your matters to someone, somewhere out there. It’s not just a sound.


Friday 15 June 2012

The elephant in the room


Its not everyday that one gets to be in the same space, let alone same room with an elephant (talk about the unimaginable!), yet  ironically we’ve had moments metaphorically where we’ve had an encounter with this gigantic mammal. ‘The elephant in the room’ is an English idiom which addresses the truth being ignored or turning the other eye, the problem or issue at hand is usually very huge that it cannot be missed (elephant). 

I remember a few weeks ago entering a room and being met by a former love flame, did I just say love! Well truth is, I liked him for the most part. People at times go astray and so did we, the manner in which it happened was the sad part after sharing happy moments together, I need closure.

So there I was standing there experiencing stillness in time. That’s until a colleague walked up to me and asked if I was okay and I deniably told her I was, unsurprisingly she replied ‘Bollocks! You’re far from okay’. She was right, how could I have been okay when I had just witnessed an elephant in the room.

I hurried out of the venue, shut the door and walked away.

Woman Trying to Close the Door of a Closet Overflowing with Stuff

Wacky Wednesday gone Wild


“That’s correct, a hundred and sixty burgers, I’ll provide you with our address shortly…”  These were probably words from a company receptionist who placed an order in one of the many Steers branches who were participating in their ‘Wacky Wednesday R10 a burger special a day ago. Steers (at the time) had a brilliant idea of introducing  their Rib burger once-off special on  Wednesday, why the company didn’t consider the demographics of the ever increasing South African population is pass me. Really! It doesn’t take an AC Nielsen research study to figure out the number of consumers who have the purchasing ability to get a ridiculously great meal close to nothing. 

It comes as no surprise then that the promo was a totally flop! By mid-day its reported that some Steers outlets closed their doors to hundreds of hungry, angry South Africans who had qued for hours for their much anticipated beef. Their frustration led them to share their bad experience with fellow Tweeps and Face book buddies. A few hours later Steers smartly made an apology of the fiasco on various social media platforms.

This hopefully serves as a lesson to not only fast food brands and franchises but to South African business as a whole: Do your research and most importantly ‘Practice what you preach’.

Friday 8 June 2012

Everyday is a good day


Everyday is a good day as we get to ‘start all over again’. A new day is like a piece of unused canvass. The paint colour, brush strokes and contour all lies in the artist’s personal taste or better yet state of mind at the time. Whatever expression they leave on that canvass will be a reflection of self and wherever their art leads them.

The truth is we too are artists, maybe not in the traditional sense but nonetheless are ‘self artists’. We totally determine our days and the events that occur in them, the unfortunate part is the fact that we think that we are controlled by a force outside of us. And as much as there is a higher power that guides us to greatness and our full potential, at the end of the day we have the freedom to choose which elements make up our


I Love My Berry


Mine is not a restricted blog with explicit content, so NO the word ‘berry’ has no reference to a woman’s genitalia, far from!  It rather refers to my very own cutie pie, my popsicle, my Blackberry.

During the week while browsing through my favourite media website Bizcommunity, I came across an interesting article covering the Generation Next Survey results for 2012. The survey looks at interviewing ‘tweens’ and young adults from ages eight to twenty-two who are enquired on their ultimate coolest brands. It comes as no surprise then that Blackberry was voted ‘The Overall Coolest Brand for 2012’. I was so excited and proud to be an owner one of these babies too, that joy was short-lived though as my berry was to encounter a hurdle later. 

A few hours went by, three to be exact. I was in the ladies (no worries I won’t be too graphic) whilst washing my hands I stupidly placed my phone at the sink and showered it with water accidently. It didn’t take long before my phone gave up and went all silent on me, it was the worst betrayal ever! Fortunately my very knowledgeable colleagues gave me a few ideas on how to perform CPR on my baby and bring her right back to life. There was the blow-drying idea which I already was aware of and then one colleague advised me to rather place the phone in a bowl of rice (covered) and make sure it stays in the uncooked rice over night. This suggestion was met with a *rolling eyes* expression. As soon as I got home I tried the later.

 To my surprise it worked wonders! My phone was absolutely dry, I was totally delightful and still amJ. It’s just me and my Blackberry.  

Friday 1 June 2012

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses


This phrase reminds of the legendary tale of the tortoise and the hare. Mr. Hare being the ‘IT Guy’ that he believed to be, always bragged about how he had the fastest speed amongst anyone in the animal kingdom. Day in and day out it was the same ‘I’m so cool, I can beat everyone’s behind in racing story, well that was up until the Mr. Tortoise challenged him to a race. Naturally Mr. Hare laughed in Mr. Tortoise’s face replying ‘YOU, the slowest animal in the kingdom challenging ‘ME’ the fastest of them ALL. A fool you are Mr. Tortoise!’ 

Mr. Tortoise shut his mouth and didn’t say a word, moments after a long laugh Mr. Hare arrogantly replied: “BRING IT ON”.

On the day of the challenge all the animals of the kingdom gathered to watch the much awaited race. The countdown started ONE, TWO THREE!!! And off they went. It comes as no surprise that Mr. Hare was beating Mr. Tortoise’s slow self with some insults here and there, yet that didn’t discourage Mr. Tortoise one bit he kept going at it.

Mr. Hare saw that he had out run Mr. Tortoise so much, that there was no sign of him whatsoever. He then decided to play in the meadow which was later followed by a ‘long nap’.

Mr. Tortoise kept going and going till he finally reached the ‘FINISH’ line. The cheering of the crowd woke Mr. Hare up, he ran like he had never run before, but it was too late. In the end Mr. Tortoise had “KICKED HIS A%$”.

 The moral of the story: Arrogance and trust in our strengths can lead us straight to our greatest weaknesses. 

What Truly Makes Me Happy?


Hobbies, there are so many of them: singing, dancing, cooking, watching TV (for the lazy!), modeling, blogging, collecting stamps, surfing the net (most popular one), skiing, surfing, ice-skating, rugby, soccer, ballet, reading oh yes! can never  forget reading! Just mentioned some of the most common ones, I mean there are a trillion hobbies and things that people enjoy doing out there.

The other day I was chatting to a new Face book contact and given it was a fairly new conversation they enquired about my hobbies. And for some other reason I just couldn’t give her a string of hobbies. I actually made up some up as I was not sure what it is I really liked doing. ‘A bit of everything’ would not have been the ideal answer so I just pretty much fed her lies.

Nonetheless my lies saved the day but made me feel so crappy afterwards as I couldn’t answer a question that was directly about ME! I’m definitely writing a follow-up blog on this subject. *Off to a hobby discovery journey* (TO BE CONTINUED…)