Monday 30 July 2012

Andy Warhol: “In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes.” You can’t choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famous?

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For one, when I unfold this statement I can’t help but think of social media. Anything posted online is immediate and as we’re aware of social media is pretty much global and accessible anywhere, anytime. A typical ’15 minutes of fame’ story would be that of Jason Russell who was the face and ambassador of the Stop Kony 2012 Campaign.

Here was a guy who believed through spreading on the word and brining awareness on the horrific and abusive killing of children in East and Central Africa countries at the hand of a bad man named Kony and his floozies. These poor kids were given ammunition and trained to be killing machines. Surely the Stop Kony Viral Campaign (video) was a success in terms of exposure  and getting the word out there yet only a few weeks later the director of the project Jason Russell went all koo koo and bonkers as he couldn’t handle the fame! And there went his 15 minutes of shine. 

What is all comes down to is faces and people not known to the world as we know it will have a name, voice and identity and yes ‘Their 15 minutes in the lime light’.

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