Friday 6 July 2012

A little discipline goes a long way…

Okay, so you’ve probably heard this saying a trillion and one times from those wise ‘forever correct’ beings called parents and you’ve just as much rolled your eyes every time ( I know I did!). Hate to say it but they were so right, a little discipline does go a long way. What people forget is we’re all ambassadors of our homes, the way we act and conduct ourselves out there pretty much says a lot about where we come from and where we’re heading.

So the next time you experience road rage and pop the f*&k sign out of the window of your car, dance on top of the table like a drunken demon, exchange words with the guy who cut the que at the supermarket, pull out your boyfriend’s other girl by the hair or screw a colleague over for empty compliments all in the name of kissing the boss’s ass! Reflect on the little girl or boy mom and dad used to spank and scold, for their parenting tactics were never to harm you, but to shape you into the young man or woman you’ve become and who you’re still yet to be…

1 comment:

  1. This is a well written and succinct piece Ayanda. I agree 100% with you. Content and imagery allows the reader to associate with the topic.
