Wednesday 15 August 2012

Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea (Alain)

Plan A and Plan B may not be identical, yet they go hand in hand. Any plan can never be a success on its own, there always has to be a ‘Back-up plan’ or in this instance idea. What pushes our ideas to succeed is the fact that we are assured that should anything go wrong (without being pessimistic!), there is still something to fall back on.
Having one idea is like going to the Matric National exam with only one pen, or being crazy enough to walk the streets of the Cape in August without an umbrella! Like having one girlfriend and not having ‘any on the side’ (the perfect gent ideology!) or even worse having one idea is like making preparations  in winter to attend a spring wedding and having only one dress not two. Dress number two of cause being the one most likely to be worn after the endless calories consumed in the previous dreadful season, WINTER!

I could make a million and one examples yet one thing remains nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one!

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