Friday 20 April 2012

The sound of one hand clapping

The sound of one hand clapping is like running a marathon blind-folded. Only difference being, you’re more likely to get guidance into finishing your run unlike clapping with one hand and hitting against nothing! It is without any doubt physically impossible.

I could think of a million and one things that are physically impossible without any co-existence such as giving birth. Whether artificially inseminated or going the full Monty, a woman needs the existence of a man to bring a life into this world, the simplest one being the necessity of the air that we breathe to stay alive. And not forgetting our spirituality, without it, we are lost sheep wandering around without any trail.

The sound of one hand clapping made me reflect on the meaning behind ‘Ubuntu’. The fact that ‘We are, because of others’. Think about it: Who’s Lady Gaga without her ‘Little Monsters’ and 23 197 730 Twitter followers, or Jay-Z without his record sales, a Lagerfeld Fashion show without any press and celebrities.
Like a man going to the most remote, designated place on earth without any human contact. Somewhere in that open space will be the tinniest, crawling incest along with him. Nothing is ever in isolation. Everything is supported somewhere, somehow.

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