Thursday 8 November 2012


Own Image

The other day I discovered a default in my room blinds, there was something faulty with them and for like a week or two I had this problem of not adjusting my blinds (totally frustrating!). I then decided to show the amazing lady who helps around my place this rather disturbing issue around these blinds and she suggested that I ask my cousin or male-figure to sort this problem out for me.

Me, being the superwoman I am climbed up, took my nail filler and started to maneuver my way around what seemed like a tangle in one of the strings. So I kept on trying to figure this thing out with no luck, for a moment I actually thought to myself ‘this woman is right, there are some things which only guys can do such as this one!’.

A few seconds later I asked Jesus: “Lord you have given me a body and intelligent working brain, what then could impede me from figuring this out?” And yes, not so surprisingly I figured out what was wrong with my blinds and learnt a very great lesson: ‘If we say we cannot, we’ll forever remain in our minds blind-folded’.

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